Making these are part of my day-to-day work. For me they are an inmate way of thinking with my hands. They interplay between sculpture, painting and drawing; creating a process that easily allows one to inform the other. I’m often compelled by the encounter between the rawness of an initial thought and the unruliness of a new material.
Wall Installation– 96×114 in. varied materials, 2024
Blue Hole-8x11x1.75 in. acrylic on carved and charred pine plank, 2023
This One– 12x10x1in. acrylic, wire on 1/8 in plywood
5×5– 96×96 in. varied materials, 2022
Reciprocation 2-15.5x16x1 in. acrylic on cedar shakes, 2023
Light Travel-12×13.5x.5 in. acrylic on maple butcher block, 2023
Crenated Edge-6x12x1.5 in. acrylic on charred and laminated pine, 2023
Little Flowers- 102×96 in. varied materials, 2023
Elliptic (green)-15×11.5x.5 in. acrylic on charred cedar, 2024
Street Blossom-23x24x.5 in. polycarbonate, plywood and paint, 2024
Sometimes I come across discarded material and it’ll remind me of a line of drawing, part of a painting or even something I’ve read. I’ll either keep it as it is, make a note of it or even make a variation of it using another material. This method of engagement is a way for me to move through my day with a certain awareness while offering the occasional surprise of seeing how my surroundings pertain to what I’m working on in the studio.
Cord Walk- 13x11x.5 in.- acrylic on charred pine slates with wire battens, 2023
6×6– 96×96 in. varied materials, 2021
Installation– 20×72 in. acrylic on word and other materials, 2022
Even though much effort is made to make each object a unique and fixed form, I sometimes group them together like letters in a word or words in a phrase.
White Cord with 3 Knots- 36×3.5×2 in. painted rope and charred pine, 2024
Window installation– 84x102x6 in. varied materials, 2018-2022
Harmonic Circle (yellow)– 21x21x1.5 in. acrylic on layered plywood, 2023
Four Square (light blue)-21x20x1.25 in. acrylic on varied wood panels, 2023
Pink and Blue- 14x13x1 in. acrylic on charred pine planks with leather battens, 2023
Jensen’s Cloud– 144×96 in. varied materials, 2016
Beadlike-acrylic on charred oak plywood with string and wire, 2023
Unwritten-12×14 in. acrylic on panel within a steel frame, 2023
Black J -10×8 in. laminated coroplast, 2023
untitled-13x15x1 in. wire, cloth, burlap, string, 2023
Harmonic Circle (red)– 13x13x1.25 in. acrylic on layer plywood, 2023